RowZone Testimony

By at January 6, 2013 | 5:14 pm | Print

At a doctor’s appt in March 2010, I learned that my cholesterol was too high, and I had osteoporosis.  Then he told me I needed to lose weight.  I was already on meds for bone density and I didn’t want to add any add’l meds, so I knew the best approach was to watch what I was eating and to exercise regularly.  That was easier said than done–I’d been going to the gym, but not regularly and not with any results.  I needed to find something that would challenge me, fit into my busy schedule (I work full time and have two teenage boys at home) andthat I would enjoy enough to make it part of my life.  At that time I was suffering from pretty bad heel pain, so I needed to find a way t work out that was low or no impact.  In April, I rec’d a flier in the mail announcing the grand opening of RowZone.  At the beginning of  May, I went to my free class and I LOVED it!  The workout was tough, but did not aggravate my heel pain!  I joined RowZone that day!

At first, I came to class 2 days a week-I needed the other days to recover! The trainers are fabulous and the environment at RowZone is very positive and supportive.  It was a few months before I  lost any weight, but I didn’t get discouraged because I was focusing on becoming healthier.  I could tell that I was getting stronger with each workout.  Pretty soon, I was coming 3 days a week.  After about 6 months, I went to the doctor and had lost 8 pounds and my cholesterol had dropped by 50 points!  Within a few more months, I had lost another 8 pounds and was feeling great!

It’s now been over 18 months and I’m still enjoying my workouts at RowZone.  I’ve lost a total of 18 pounds.  My cholesterol is great, my bone density has improved and I’m off medication!!  I average 4 workouts a week-usually 3 classes and a 30 minute free row.  The great thing about working out at RowZone is that the trainers keep the workouts fresh and no matter how many classes you’ve been to, the next class is still as challenging!  Also, in only 45 minutes, you get a complete workout!

In a week, I will be 55 and I can honestly say that I’m in the best shape of my life!  Janet


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